Morning all! I just wanted to say a big thank you for all
your messages of support from my ‘Lost’ blog post – I have had such reassuring
feedback which I haven’t actually been able to respond to every one yet but I
just wanted to say:
‘Thanks xxx’
I am feeling a lot more positive about things – I still don’t
think I really know what I am doing a lot of the time, but I am carrying on with
orders and keeping busy! I am trying not to question it so much any more either
as I know it will all sort itself out sooner or later. I have a few ideas
percolating that I am looking forward to putting into action once I have a bit
of spare time.
However, I think there has been another reason for feeling
down – after an appointment at the doctor I have been diagnosed with glandular
fever! I have been poorly on and off since September with all the symptoms but
it’s only now it has been recognised. So, I don’t think that has helped. It’s
not easy to feel focused and energised and positive when you are fighting a
nasty virus. Unfortunately it keeps rearing its head and so my Doctor has given me permission to take it easy and she emphasised how I really need to start listening to my body, and STOP when it tells me to! Although you and I know, it’s
really not that easy!! But I am learning to be careful now with regards to my energy levels.
Aside all that, this time of year is always a busy one for
me – work wise it is all teacher presents and Birthday/Christening gifts and
alongside that there is a huge array of school activities – sports day, summer
fair, camping trips and the imminent end of my daughter’s primary school days.
Yes, she is leaving to go to ‘Big
School ’ and the thought
is terrifying me!! So with everything that is going on it’s unsurprising that I
am feeling a little weary…
But it has
finally started to feel like summer and the garden is lush and blooming around
me so that is keeping me ‘up’. I am making a conscious decision to be spending time and doing things that make me happy - this last month I've been to two wonderful fairs - the Contemporary Craft Fair (where I spent the most best day with good friends) and a fab Vintage fair with another good friend. I have got my crochet hook out again and I've treated myself to some sunshine shoes and a lovely bright tablecloth - that's got to keep me cheerful right?!
And I am enjoying being in my shed sewing away - my teacher gifts are so popular at the moment, I can’t make
them quick enough! I am still taking orders for them so if you were keen to bag
a few please visit my website and have a little look at what is on offer.
So I want to say another Thank You. To all my friends, everyone who has
messaged, and there have been so many. It’s amazing how many of us go through
all these feelings of uncertainty, as to whether the path we are on is the
right one, when our creativity feels like it has dried up but I am so grateful
for the supportive community that I find myself in. You are bloody great, you
know that? What on earth would I do without you all?!!
Helen x